Small Protocol Includes: Super Food 98g, Pet Flora 50 caps, Super Pet Enzymes 41 g
Large Protocol Includes: Super Food 220 g, Pet Flora 100 caps, Super Pet Enzymes 185 g
Dog longevity depends upon energizing the cellular structures with the Dr. Budwig Protocol. The combination of essential fatty acids (tuna oil) and sulfur bearing proteins (whey and colostrum) in the Super Food, along with the probiotics and enzymes, will energize and prolong the life of your dog.
3 Part Combo Includes:
Super Food (98g/220g)
Dog friendly flavors makes administration easy; just sprinkle on food.
Super Food has been carefully formulated to meet the special needs of domesticated animals today. A multivitamin made from premium quality whole foods with every ingredient working together. This product enhances the immune competence of dogs through a careful balance of the sulfur bearing proteins in whey and colostrum with the essential fatty acids in the tuna. It also contains antioxidants that help maintain normal DNA and the Immune systems. Enhances oxygen utilization and promotes homeostasis.
Pet Flora (50/100 Caps)
Pet Flora is the best probiotic for dogs on the market, because they are soil based! It is a broad spectrum formula, a matrix of superior, highly-resilient microflora whose organic, seed-like structures survive the early GI tract to thrive in the intestines. Supports normal gastrointestinal function in animals
Regulating healthy flora in the G.I. tract is key to a healthy digestive system as well as a healthy dog. When the body has an 85/15 ratio of good vs bad bacteria; vomiting and diarrhea, constipation, and gas will probably not be a problem.
Surprisingly, our pet’s digestive tract makes up 80% of it’s overall immune system, and that 90% of all chronic disease is caused by an unhealthy digestive system. When administered daily it helps maintain the ideal balance of gut flora to insure proper, as well as boost the immune system.
Pet Flora is superior to dairy-based probiotics for dogs- it’s natural to your pet.
Pet Flora is a Soil-Based Organism. Soil-Based means that the natural probiotic organisms of the soil are the ingredients in Pet Flora. In the soil, these microorganisms hold down yeast and fungi, reduce acidity, and improve assimilation of nutrients to plants. Amazingly, they do exactly the same in higher animals. Pet Flora holds down yeasts, fungi, and pathogenic microorganisms, while improving nutrient assimilation.
Super Pet Enzymes (41/185g)
These are high potency, plant based, complete spectrum food digesting enzymes. Super Pet Enzymes does more for less than any other enzyme product. This is the only enzyme formulation to include enzymes for every possible food group: sugars, grains, fibers, milk, meat, broccoli, and more. Frequent diarrhea and/or vomiting are among the top 5 reasons for Veterinarian visits. Gastrointestinal (GI) disorders often have an enzyme deficiency element.
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